Don't Come Knocking

ByMar 17, 2006 8:00 AMTags
Alternate title: Don't Come Looking for Anything Even Remotely as Good as "Paris, Texas." That's the now classic art-house hit from the '80s that German director Wim Wenders and American western-loner-type Sam Shepard collaborated on to great acclaim. And this recent joint effort (Shepard on script, Wenders directing) about a wayward, has-been actor seeking redemption from the people he abandoned in the past, walks through similar terrain; or maybe slogs is a better word.
There are no characters to connect with and no story to anchor an emotional response to--just a series of vignettes where Shepard, as the cowboy, demonstrates he's so lonesome he could cry. Then he sits on a couch in the middle of the street for 24 hours. Yes, really. Not that it matters: There's no one else moving on this road to nowhere anyway.

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