Boys Life 4: Four Play

ByAug 08, 2003 7:00 AMTags
If the fourth installment of the popular Boys Life films is any indication, there's not much life left in this anthology series. This collection of four short films about the experiences of gay men is only about 25 percent of what it should be. "O Beautiful" takes on the subject of gay bashing in high school with obvious, silly results and is as pretentious as it is stiffly acted and badly written.
"This Car Up" makes imaginative use of a Time Code-style split screen for a not so imaginative story about an executive and a tattooed bike messenger. And the relationship comedy "Bumping Heads" wastes the comedic talents of stars Craig Chester and Nora Burns on trite dialogue. Only the opener, "L.T.R.," uses its time wisely, chronicling a doomed five-week relationship between two young twentysomethings. This funny story hits its mark directly, while the others miss their marks by miles.

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