Found: The Holy Grail of Mascaras (Bye-Bye, Fake Lashes)

Don't waste your money on eyelash extensions!

By Lindsey Caldwell Jun 23, 2015 3:00 PMTags

It's a long and arduous journey to find the perfect mascara—but the unicorn of lash-lengtheners exists!

In LA, getting eyelash extensions is as common as ordering Starbucks. It's an expensive treatment that requires regular maintenance. But, let's be real: Unless you're a celeb, who's got that kind of cash flow? Hence, the search for a mascara that will provide the trifecta: something that will lengthen lashes, volumize but won't get too clumpy.

After trying almost two dozen mascaras, one particular product hit the mark. Drumroll please…the winner is Benefit's They're Real! Lengthening Mascara.

The wand is Fairy-Godmother status: There is something truly magical about the way the wand is designed; it's firm yet flexible with the ability to coat even the most stubborn baby bottom lashes. Because of its unique design, the wand can be utilized in two ways: First, you can use the applicator in typical mascara-application fashion, holding it horizontally and brushing it upward. Second, you can flip the wand vertically and use the tip, which resembles a rollerball, to separate, slightly curl and really finesse the lashes.

The formula stays on all day long: No flakes here! This formula goes on silky smooth when applied to lashes, evenly coating them from base to tip. It has the staying power of a hefty waterproof mascara—without the actual waterproof attribute (read: You won't have residue gunk on your face post-wash). Fiber-coating mascaras have similar fullness effects as well...until the formula flakes away, that is. In all fairness, the only complaint against Benefit's long-lasting formula is that there just isn't enough in the tube. It may or may not be a result of mascara addiction, but the formula seems to run out rather quickly.

Let's get dramatic: With this product, lashes are lifted and lengthened, and as a result, an overall look is strengthened. The mascara can be easily applied for a pretty day look and more can be added later for something a tad bit fiercer. If you want a very "lashy" dramatic look, you can achieve the same effect as if you had fake lashes applied with just two to three coats. The beauty of this mascara is your lashes won't clump together with the additional application. They'll only become more defined and luxe.


Benefit's They're Real! Mascara will set you back $24, but the effects are as glorious as false eyelash extensions, which can cost you upwards of $100 for a quality treatment.

If you're looking for a cheaper alternative, try the thickening effects of NYC Big Bold Angel Lash for $5. If you're in search of a waterproof mascara, look no further than L'Oréal Butterfly Intenza Mascara. Either way, you'll be bright eyed in just a few brush strokes.

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