Mandy Patinkin's Homeland Storyline Just Gave Us A Heart Attack

Don't toy with us like that!

By Lauren Piester Nov 17, 2014 3:00 AMTags

Homeland, what have we told you?

If you mess with Saul, we will quit you, and you got dangerously close tonight. At one point, we were wide-eyed, hand-over-mouth certain that Saul was about to kill himself, and that was just not going to be OK with us. Luckily, Carrie prevented the suicide, but then she promptly led him straight back into imprisonment. When was the last time Carrie made a decision that we liked? It feels like it's been ages, if it's ever happened at all.

Saul was being treated, as expected, horribly. His captors forced him to film a video explaining the deal they were willing to make: if the CIA agrees to their demands, they will release Saul. Unfortunately, the demands involve the release of five specific prisoners, which would give Haqqani an insane amount of control. Not good.

Meanwhile, Saul pretended to hang himself, and then overtook the officer who came to "save" him, allowing him to escape. This seemed like a thoroughly positive turn of events, but we could actually not have been more wrong.

On the phone, Saul explained to Carrie very clearly that he did not want to end up captured again, and he would absolutely rather die before that happened. With that in mind, Carrie directed Saul towards a CIA rendezvous point. Or at least she was going to, until they realized that this is exactly what their enemy was waiting for, and that they could not safely pick Saul up. 

At one point, Saul realized that he was completely surrounded by Haqqani's men, and believed he had only one way out in order to avoid being held prisoner again. He put a gun to his head and nearly pulled the trigger and for a few moments, we thought he was actually going to do it, and we were just sort of completely losing our minds with anxiety.

Thankfully for our sanity, a frantic Carrie managed to talk him down, promising to keep him safe and not let him get captured again. Instead, she did just the opposite. Saul emerged through a doorway onto a street clearly filled heavily-armed men, who immediately took him down while he cried on the phone to Carrie about how she lied to him. 

It was devastating, and it did nothing to help our continued complete dislike of Carrie Mathison. At least she seemed to feel a little bad about it, even though she believed it was the only way to keep him alive. It's safe to say that if Saul survives, any remaining trust between these two is completely gone.

In other news, Aasar Khan revealed to Carrie that it was the ambassador's husband who tampered with her medication. Hopefully this means that that jerkface won't be getting away with any more shenanigans, but that's pretty much the only thing we're feeling positive about right now. 

Tread carefully, Homeland. We've got our eye on you, no matter how many intense and engaging episodes you throw our way. 

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