Snow White and the Huntsman Redux: Five Things to Watch For!

Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron's fairy-tale film hits theaters today

By Team Truth Jun 01, 2012 7:00 PMTags
Kristen Stewart, Snow White and the Huntsman, SWATHUniversal Pictures

The royal event of the century is upon us! No, we're not talking about some fancy wedding, this is all about princess Snow White (that'd be Kristen Stewart) going head to head with evil queen Ravenna (Charlize Theron, duh).

Snow White and the Huntsman finally—we repeat: finally!—hits theaters today and, trust us, it does not disappoint. The imagery is gorgeous, the action is top-notch and K.Stew puts all other Snows to shame.

Here are five of our favorite things from the film to look out for when you're chowing down on your popcorn at the cineplex this evening. But be warned, there are some serious spoilers unloaded here…

1. The Accents are Tip Top: Sick of hearing Kristen talk with a boring, old American accent? Well you're in luck! Because in SWATH, as we're sure you know from one of the gazillion trailers released, Ms. Stewart gets to show off her knack for dialects as she takes on a British accent.

She's not the only one, either. Chris Hemsworth's Huntsman rocks something along the lines of Scottish (we think) and Charlize's accent is straight-up wretched queen (what else would you expect)? But K.Stew and her jolly ole English stole the show for us—if only because we like to think Robert Pattinson helped her practice!

Universal Pictures

2. Uh, Katniss Who? And, for that matter, Hawkeye who? Because SWATH takes a page from both The Hunger Games and The Avengers and features some seriously cool archery skills—the bow and arrow are only the hottest weapon around, after all.

This time, it's hunky Sam Claflin's William who gets to take a shot, literally. And while we didn't think we could find archery even sexier (you saw Jeremy Renner do it superhero-style, right?), Sam comes pretty dang close. Especially because his death shots often come equipped with a bit of wit.

3. K.Stew Is Horsing Around: Remember all those interviews where Kristen talked about overcoming her fear of horses for this flick? Well, it was totally worth it. Because she looks like a natural on horseback and, in our humble opinion, it just makes her even more kickass.

Snow takes to the saddle twice in the movie, though the first time—when she finds a white horse on the beach while escaping the castle—there's no saddle at all. It's the latter stuff, when she's riding into battle in her suit of armor with an army behind her, that our jaws really dropped. That's one tough chick—one we certainly wouldn't mess with.

Universal Pictures

4. Charlize Theron…GMILF? Charlize might have adopted a little baby (the adorable Jackson, for those out of the loop), officially putting her in the ranks of MILF-hood, but her onscreen alter ego gets to add a few years to that. And we've never seen Char look so…well, wrinkly!

Yep, as you've surely deduced from the previews, queen Ravenna has an eternal-fountain-of-youth thing going on (which she achieves through sucking the souls out of the young, just FYI), but the most eyebrow raising scenes are when Charlize is aged 10 years…or 20 years…or what looks like 1,000 years. And hey, for a billion years old she doesn't look half bad.

5. Breaking DawnPart 1.5?! Were you blown away by how well Kristen was able to play dead in Breaking Dawn: Part 1? If you thought to yourself, "Wow! She's really good at playing a corpse! She should only sign on to projects that kill her." then Snow White and the Huntsman is the movie for you.

Because any fairy-tale fan worth their fairy dust knows that Snow White ends up eating a poison apple and biting it…temporarily, at least. And while there is far less blood and guts and Edward Cullen eating a baby out of her newlywed self in SWATH, Kristen does get to play dead. And gets smooched out of her cursed sleep.

By who? Well, we'll leave that as a surprise for your theater-going experience.

Let us know what you think, Krisbians and fairy-tale fans alike!

(E! and Universal Pictures are both part of the NBCUniversal family.)

PHOTOS: Kristen Stewart's Snow White and the Huntsman

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