iRobot Flash Deal: Save $332 on the Wireless Roomba Robot Vacuum

If you don't like cleaning, but you want your home to be neat, the iRobot Roomba Robot Vacuum does all the work for you.

By Marenah Dobin Jan 08, 2023 1:00 PMTags
irobot deal

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Sometimes it just doesn't feel like there areenough hours in the day to get everything done, especially cleaning. If having a neat and orderly home is important to you, but you find yourself pushing off cleaning as one of those tasks you can "get to later," you may need to get a robotic vacuum— a gadget does all the work for you.

The iRobot Roomba Robot Vacuum can be programmed to clean on your set schedule. It's also compatible with an app. The vacuum works on both carpets and hard floors. It's pet hair's worst enemy and it even gets those tough-to-clean areas along the walls. The coolest part about this vacuum is that it empties and charges itself. If you want to stay on top of your chores in 2023, you need this vacuum in your life.

Right now, there's a major deal at QVC. You can get the iRobot Roomba Robot Vacuum for just $450 (normally $782). Hurry up and shop because this price is good until January 9, 2023 at 12:59 AM ET.

29 Cleaning Products for Lazy People Who Want a Neat Home With Minimal Effort

iRobot Roomba j7X+ Wi-Fi Robot Vacuum with Clean Base

If you hate vacuuming, but want clean floors get this robotic vacuum which picks up dirt, dust, and debris from carpets and hard floors. Here are some of this product's best features:

  1. Dual multi-surface rubber brushes help prevent hair from tangling
  2. Edge-sweeping brush
  3. Power-lifting suction
  4. Automatic dirt disposal feature allows it to empty debris on its own
  5. Object avoidance, including pet accidents
  6. PrecisionVision Navigation takes photos of items or messes so you can decide whether the vacuum should avoid or clean it in the future
  7. Smart Resume feature allows vacuum to go back to where it left off after charging
  8. Behind-the-scenes cleaning: program vacuum to clean while you are away
  9. High efficiency filter captures up to 99% of dog and cat allergens and fine particles down to 0.4 microns

If you're not sure about shopping, read these rave reviews from satisfied shoppers.

iRobot Roomba Robot Vacuum Reviews

A shopper said, "Let me just cut to it. You need this. It's awesome. My small dog isn't crazy about it yet so I just start it from my phone when we walk out the door together. Let me say it's pretty nice to go out shopping or visiting and come home and the house looks all fresh. I've even caught myself saying thank you and blowing a kiss in the devises direction."

Another reviewed, "Our floors have never been cleaner. Call it Sally Sue and she is very persistent to go places. Was concerned when we put up our real tree but cleans all way around the tree, even close to wall and over the skirt and does not get tangled up. Goes under chairs, over rugs, hardwood floors, Does not get lost and returns home no problem. Starts exactly on time. Good investment." 

"Easy to program. A real work horse with very little maintenance required. I would definitely recommend this product," a shopper reviewed.

A QVC shopper explained, "I was always a little hesitant about a robotic vacuum. Concerned that it wouldn't clean as good as my Dyson. With two cats it's important to keep the floors clean. This system came up on QVC and at a great price so I decided why not try. It's been over a month now. I named it Johnny. It's intelligent. It's accurate. It cleans incredibly. It vacuums the main living areas every mon, wed and Friday and the bedrooms on tues, thurs and sat. I'm not kidding you when I say it feels as if I have a maid. My floors are always clean. My rugs and carpets are always fluffed."

Someone else reviewed, "It was easy to set up on phone app. It finishes the job without getting stuck. It is quieter also. I love it!"

A shopper wrote, "I love this little robot! Very easy to set up, it mapped my home then vacuumed the entire home. I especially love that it empties its bin without help from me. I'm on a daily schedule!"

Still shopping? This laptop and phone cleaning tool has 8,800+ 5-Star Amazon reviews.

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