
Justice Smith Breaks Down His Generation Character's Fearless Gen Z Style

In an exclusive chat with E! News, Generation star Justice Smith discussed how Chester's style came to life on the HBO Max teen dramedy.

By Alyssa Ray Mar 18, 2021 8:00 PMTags
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Fearless fashion.

If you're like us, you've tuned into HBO Max's new teen dramedy, Generation (aka Genera+ion) and have noticed the bold costume choices worn by the show's lead, Justice Smith. And, during an exclusive chat with E! News, the 25-year-old actor revealed that his on-screen fashion as Chester was a collaborative effort.

"His outfits are very important to me and I'm very vocal in the fitting room," Justice said of his character's signature style. "But it's all props to Shirley Kurata, who is our costume designer. She pulls these amazing pieces."

Justice revealed he's "very detail oriented" when it comes to his costumes, adding, "Like, every ring and every bracelet has to be aligned with Chester's soul, because his outfits are an expression of his story or an expression of his soul. They're so important to him. Down to the nail color, the hair color, if he has makeup on that day, it's all an expression of how he's feeling and where he's at."

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For those unfamiliar with Generation, Justice plays Chester, an openly-gay athlete and budding fashionista. Per HBO, the Lena Dunham-produced series "follows a group of high school students whose exploration of modern sexuality (devices and all) tests deeply entrenched beliefs about life, love and the nature of family in their conservative community."

Thus, authenticity is important for the show, especially when it comes to fashion. During the chat with E! News, Justice applauded Shirley for her ability to thrift and find affordable pieces that are reflective of Generation Z.


Yet, there have been moments where they've created looks that are too fabulous. "Sometimes me and Shirley, when we get together and we're putting on pieces, we'll create a Paris runway look and then we get on set and Daniel [Barnz], our showrunner, who is also one of the co-creators of the show, will be like, 'He's 17. He would never wear this,'" he concluded. "So, sometimes we have to be careful, you know, not being too good."

Keep scrolling for a closer look at Justice's fashion on Generation.

Chester Has Entered the Building

In episode one of Generation, Chester (Justice Smith) wore a red, white and blue crop top with red checkered pants.

A Party Look

For a house party in the pilot, Chester donned a colorful yellow ensemble.

For the Love of Patterns

Chester rocked two different patterns for this episode two look.

Neon Dream

During an episode three adventure, Chester wore this dreamy neon ensemble.

All About Color

The character clearly isn't afraid of color! For this episode four costume, Chester made a bright pink top, a patterned cardigan and blue checkered pants work.

An Outfit to Remember

Chester nailed this springy look in episode five of Generation.

Genera+ion is available now on HBO Max.

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